Saturday, October 25, 2008

Faith. Hope. Love

Hmmm what shall I write...since Augustine was talking about adapting in his first post, I 'd like to share a message we heard in church last Sunday.

Senior Pastor preached about faith, hope and love, one verse he referred to was Hebrews 11:8 "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."

I was very encouraged by this verse as I have been thinking on and off about the relocation all the way here from our comfort zones back home in PJ/KL. In fact, the night before, we were again talking about this, if this was indeed the best for both of us and so on.

And Pastor in his message said we can liken Abraham's experience to ours where when something seemed to be our only avenue of blessings - our job and family back home in this case, and God then asks us to give it up for something we are not sure of.

Do we have faith in Him? Faith is all about obeying God anyhow, being sure of what we hope for, certain of what we do not see. Which is why we need to continue to build our faith and learn to lean on Him and seek Him constantly for wisdom and guidance in all that we do. God certainly is more eager to bless us than we are to receive His blessings!

I thank God for His assurance and I look forward to continue my journey here with Augustine.

Next I wanna write about our day in Brunei ;-)


118th Day in Miri (more to come!!!)

It has been 118 days since I first settled down in Miri. One small city that is rich in oil and gas in the land of Borneo...first journey to my new career and livelihood.

Almost everything is new. New and delicious food, new place to stay, new culture to adapt, new career expectations, new neighbourhood, new landmarks.....endless newness!!

After adapting to almost new life in the city now, me and Carmen decided to create a blog to share our experiences with others. All comments are welcomed!!
